We are Caregivers.

What the Caterpillar calls the end of the world

the master calls a Butterfly.

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What is


  • Communicare is the bridge that helps the child crossover from a caterpillar to a butterfly preparing the child for mainstream inclusive education.     
  • Most parents of children with special needs are in denial about the child’s condition,fearful of discrimination and isolation.
  • On the other hand, teachers are at a loss about how to handle the child.
  • In spite of best efforts at the school, the child just cannot integrate as they have passed the critical age of 2-7 years. The parent most often is asked to find another school or meet multiple therapists.
  • Though the child is perceived as a caterpillar, slow to grasp and low self-esteem, for us, at Communicare, we see the potential of the caterpillar becoming a butterfly.

How we



A good assessment is the backbone of a good intervention program. We ensure that multi disciplinary experts do the assessment across the domains critical for the development of the child.


The child’s assessment and intervention road map is discussed as one group, by our team, concerning all domains impacting the child.


We provide a high quality and intensive intervention program that creates a lifelong impact on your child. Our teams work with your child cross functionally to provide amazing results within specified timeframes.

Our Story

Our lives took an unexpected turn when we discovered the “special” gift of our daughter Amaya. We went through our share of frustration, anger, and confusion. We questioned God.

Fast-forward to now, we know, nothing happens without a reason. 

God has a bigger plan and this journey is our purpose.

Amaya is our angel who has come to make a change in our lives and impact the lives of others. As someone said, “ God gives special people a special child, only because He knows no one else could take care of them as well as you would”.

Today, through our work at Communicare, through all we experienced seeking the best for our child; we’d like to be a catalyst for many other special children and their parents. 

Our approach at Communicare is different, our intent strong and here we are, to make a meaningful change in the life of all special kids, be advocates for inclusion and give these children a life of dignity and independence they deserve, just like anyone else.