While your child is very young, every moment counts!

We have a clear focus on working to help the child join regular school and are committed to achieving measurable gains in specified time intervals, using methodology from the Communication DEALL program.

Why we do what we do...

At Communicare Pre-school, instead of pulling an existing curriculum off the shelf, we have a dedicated Intervention team that builds (and refines) our own research-based curriculum along with early intervention techniques from the Communication DEALL program, Adapted Spiral Praxis and Equipe Rodrigo Brivoto meet the needs of your child.

Communicare provides intensive early intervention to children with Autism, related Communication Disorders (such as Specific Language Impairment, Developmental Verbal Dyspraxia) and children with Disabilities.

We have a clear focus on working to help the child join regular school and are committed to achieving measure able gains in specified time intervals.

Our curriculum focuses on early academics, movement activity that stimulates speech, social emotional learning to nurture healthy bodies, happy hearts, and growing minds.

The four principles which form the basis of our pre-school program:

  1. Each child is Unique – Every child is a unique child who is constantly learning to be resilient, independent, capable, confident and self-assured.
  2. Positivity matters – Children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships.
  3. Interdependent Enabling Environments – Children learn and develop well in enabling environments, where their individual needs are met and links are strong between school and home life.
  4. Learning and Development – Children develop and learn in different ways. The framework covers the education and care of all special children and children with disabilities in their early years

We regularly assess your child’s progress with key developmental milestones so we can build a learning plan just for them and get ready for mainstream school.