
A World of Possibilities


To be global leaders in special needs education, empowering children and their caregivers to create an equitable, harmonious and inclusive society.


The mission of Communicare is to creatively open doors of the minds of children with special needs, by providing best global practices in the field of education, so that they reach their fullest potential and are ready to be included in society, without discrimination. 


What parents of kids with special needs really need to ask is, What can I do to make my child ready to live their life without me?

Communicare is for parents who take that step to act rather than wait. Using the best global intervention practices, we have developed a school readiness program, to ensure the child is ready for mainstream school. We work to bring the mind and body, the conscious and unconscious to improve their inner functioning and make a paradigm shift.

We train parents, teachers and professionals, conduct workshops, train and provide shadow teachers to create an eco system of inclusion.

Your decision to accept and act right now will determine your child’s future.

selective focus photography of butterfly on orange petaled flower

Something is wrong and I am unable to understand or help my child!

two young children hugging each other on a sidewalk

Clinical diagnostics and functional development studies classify individuals with medical, mental, physical or psychological disorders under the Special Needs category.

But there’s so much more to it that is undiscovered, even neglected. As parents, family, educators, volunteers and members of this society, there is an urgent need to open up. We lament about the need for society to be more receptive, progressive and inclusive. This begins with us first. It begins with acceptance and then taking informed action. We need to create an ecosystem where there is early intervention, well-informed parents and right support groups aiming at sustained change, instead of lamenting ‘What is wrong with my child?’

What we really need to ask is ‘What can I do to make my child ready to live for his/ her life without me?’ That really is the first step. The next step is to ask ‘What can I do about it?’ The right answer is Early Intervention Education; for the child to get into mainstream school. It also means parent empowerment by educating oneself to take the right decision; the decision that can turn your child’s life around.

What makes you special?

two young children hugging each other on a sidewalk

Kids with special needs have abilities that are different.

The first step is to accept the situation. Then, Identify the issue. Then, get the right help.

Their journey in this world is different and you have been chosen to guide them … because… you are special! It’s not a punishment. It’s a higher calling. 

How can Communicare help?

two young children hugging each other on a sidewalk

There are wide variations of learning abilities and special needs, with no single symptom or profile that serves as proof to the problem. 

As a family member, educator or mentor figure, one is entrusted with the immense responsibility of the future of these children. It is therefore; imperative they understand their strengths, weaknesses, challenges, opportunities, fears and hopes in their journey towards being independent. 

Communicare works with parents in the early identification, intervention and education of children with special needs. We also train parents, teachers and caregivers who will be the guiding force in the lives of these children. Just as regular kids, have various extra curricular activities for their development, we enhance the awareness and responsiveness of special children through scientifically proven alternate therapies that will help the child blossom, because, we care.

What do we mean by Caregivers?

two young children hugging each other on a sidewalk

Caregivers are anyone who is involved in taking care of the child.

This means parents, therapists, shadow teachers, maids, school didi’s and siblings.