Partner With Us
At Communicare, we believe that people want to be a force for good but only few embark acting on it.
They deserve the accolade for the passion, time and dedication they bring with them everytime. All of our i-Care ambassadors are individuals who have an extraordinary ability to serve others. Every single one of them brings a heartfelt passion and sense of purpose to touching the lives of those who need it .These ambassadors are real superheroes and unknown role models within the communities in which they live. Their passion inspires others—and that’s what our legacy is all about.

The first step is ACCEPTANCE. Then, IDENTIFICATION and finally take INFORMED ACTION by getting the right help. Their journey in this world is different and you have been chosen to guide them … because… you are special! It’s not a punishment. It’s a higher calling.
As an educator, care- giver or mentor figure, one entrusted with the immense responsibility of the future of these children, it is imperative that we understand their special world- their strengths, weaknesses, challenges, opportunities, fears, hopes and dreams.
Communicare provides training to care givers and shadow teachers, and provides trained shadow teachers that help create independent, healthy and happy children, in charge of their destiny.
Understand people with special needs can be a viable part of your workforce. First, you have to change the way you think about people with disabilities. And that starts with breaking the assumptions that people with special needs can’t work, and should not be part of a workforce. 1 in 5 people is an individual with a disability (learning disorders, ADHD etc). So, chances are in your workplace you are already working with or for people with disabilities. People with disabilities are engineers, truck drivers, and CEO’s. So, Step 1 – stop-thinking people with disabilities can’t work.
Ask Communicare how we can help do corporate sensitize your work place, which is the start to inclusion.
Empathy and mindfulness begins in your backyard and soon you will see your worldview change.

How can you help?