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This is a modern dance training system that respects the natural flow and spontaneity of dance. In this dance and movement is used as a technique for instructions which help strengthen both , the left and the right hemisphere of the brain. It also helps in increasing the mind , body connection by incorporating patterning , visual movement calculation, receptive processing , sequencing, increased state of awareness. This improves behavioral, emotional, academic, social and speech and language skills.
Music Therapy is an established health care profession that uses music therapeutically to address behavioral, social, psychological, communicative, physical, communicative, physical, sensory motor, and /or cognitive functioning. All musical experiences can be structured for success if done by a trained and knowledgeable Music Therapist. Skills and abilities acquired in the music therapy setting generalize widely over situations.
Play Therapy is an approach wherein , play is used as medium of understanding the emotional and mental issues of the child and also as an intervention . It creates a space which is comfortable for the child, through which the child can express themselves.